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Monday, June 6, 2011

ComScore: Android captures top spot in U.S. smartphone market

ComScore recently released the latest big statistics for the U.S. mobile phone market, and everyone involved with Android is probably pleased right about now.

Representing a three-month period ending on April 30, the results reflect the 234 million Americans (ages 13 and older) who use mobile devices - 74.6 million of whom own smartphones.

As far as smartphones go, Google’s Android is currently in the lead with 36.4 percent of the market share, just a little over 10 percent ahead of Apple and its iOS platform. The only smartphone platforms that suffered losses in the last three months were (unsurprisingly) RIM, Microsoft and Palm.

As far as mobile OEMs go, Samsung is the top dog with 24.5 percent of the U.S. market share, although it actually suffered a small point decrease. LG gained by a very slight margin to secure the number two spot, followed by Motorola, Apple and RIM respectively.

Of the latter three, only Apple gained more in the market share, which isn’t bad considering it is only selling the iPhone 3GS and 4 still. The only “new” devices that Apple produced since January was the iPhone 4 on Verizon and the same device in white in April.

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