To create a standalone RCP program you deploy your product. The result can be shared with other users.
Eclipse will automatically include all your compiled classes into the build output. You have to manage manually the other files. If you using icons / splash screens images, etc. you have to add them to the build output.
Select your plugin.xml and select the build tab. Make sure the META-INF directory and the file plugin.xml is selected, select your icon directory and any other graphic file which should be included in your output.
Without META-INF directory and the file "plugin.xml" in build the exported product will not start. If after deployment your graphics are missing check this tab if you really include them in the deployment.Switch now to your product configuration file and select the tab Overview. Click on the "Eclipse Product export wizard" to export your product.
Maintain the target directory and press finish.
If you take the content of this directory and unzip on another machine (which has Java installed) your program should run there too.
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