Search Engine

Sunday, August 22, 2010


7.1. Create a Chart

Switch back to the Palette, select a chart and drag and drop it on your report.

Choose the Line Chart with the standard settings.

Press Next and select your data set.

At the next step we have to assign the columns to the axis. We assign the date to the x axis and the open value to the y axis via drag and drop.

Define 5 series in total. Assign the columns to these series by dragging the column to the Sum sign.

Currently the x axis shows first the newest date. Reverse the x axis by you have to sort the data ascending. Press the highlighted button.

Go to the next tab and give titles to your columns. Hide the last one.

The display of the dates use a long format, we would like to change this. Perform the following and choose "short" as date type of the x axis

Change the display of the lines via the following.

Press finish to include your chart into your report.


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