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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Eclipse RAP installation

2.1. Workspace

Before continuing create a new workspace for your Eclipse RAP projects. As you have to change the target platform to compile against Eclipse RAP your other project will not continue to work.

2.2. Install Eclipse RAP

Use the Eclipse Update Manager to install the Rich Ajax Platform. This package can be found under the Galileo Update site under "Web, XML, and Java EE Development" -> Rich Ajax Platform SDK (RAP) .

2.3. Install Target Platform

Eclipse RAP have its own target platform. A target platform contains the artifacts, e.g. plugins, against which the Eclipse plugins are compiled. For example Eclipse RAP does not rely on SWT but on RWT therefore the target platform must provide these.

Download the RAP target platform from Eclipse RAP downloads and unzip it into a new directory, e.g. "c:\EclipseRAPTarget".

Change the target platform under Window -> Preferences -> Plug-in Development -> Target Platform

Press "Add".

Select "Nothing" as template and maintain the directory of the target platform as the location.

Switch to your new Target Platform.


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