Android Gamers rejoice! Mini Squadron Special Edition is scheduled for release January 11, 2011. In case you don't know, (and that would be a big rock you are hiding under) MiniSquadron is a 2D side-scrolling, physics-based aerial dog-fighting game.
You use a virtual analog stick to control pitch of your plane. Through this you are able to send it into loop-the-loops to achieve the right position to open fire on enemies. You unleash your reign of fire by tapping on the right side of the screen.
This game was very much a hit and the sequel is expected to improve on the already addictive game play. *Note according to the press release Mini Squadron Special Edition is being released as an extention meaning you must already have the original installed. So if you already have it, this is what you have to look forward too.
New features:
8 Brand new levelsHelicopters hover providing another aspect of game play50+ new planes to unlock2 new pickups: Rapid Fire and FreezeNew weapon: Fire BallsMore animals to shoot downOpenfeint AchievementsSoundtrack by Mozart,Beethoven,Tchaikovsky and other dead composers.
See Video for the the game in action:
No word on the price of the extension but $2.99 or less is my prediction. Thats what MiniSquadron costs in the market right now. Check out the original MiniSquadron Here and look for MiniSquadron Special Edition on January 11, 2011 in the Android market.
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