2.1. Create plugin and feature project
Create a Eclipse RCP project "de.vogella.rcp.p2.base" based on the "Eclipse RCP with a view" template. Create a feature project "de.vogella.rcp.p2.base.feature" which includes the plugin "de.vogella.rcp.p2.base".
Add a product configuration called "p2base.product" to your "de.vogella.rcp.p2.base" plugin. Select that this product will be based on "features".

The pre-defined p2 UI can be found in the feature "org.eclipse.equinox.p2.user.ui". Add this feature to your product. You also need to make the p2 UI visible in your application. Create a new menu in your application and add the pre-defined commands "org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui.sdk.update", "org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui.sdk.install" and "org.eclipse.ui.window.preferences" to the menu. If you start your application you should already seen the menu entries but p2 does not work in an application which is started from the workbench you need to export your product.
Export your product via the "Eclipse Product export wizard" on the overview tab of p2base.product. Make sure to select the "Generate metadata repository" flag on the export dialog.
In your feature project create file File -> New -> Other -> "Category Definition" a new category for your feature.

Press "New Category" and create a category, e.g. with the name "vogella.de". Add your feature to this category.

Export your feature via File -> Export -> "Deployable features". Deploy it to a local directory on your machine. Make sure you select on the Option tab your "category.xml". Also make sure to select "Generate metadata repository".

Try if this feature can be installed into your Eclipse IDE. See Using the Eclipse Update Manager for information on how to use the Eclipse update manager. Use the update manager and point to your local directory. Restart the IDE after installation. You should have a new command after the installation.

After a restart of your Eclipse IDE you should have an additional menu entry.

Using the Eclipse Update Manager revert this installation.
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