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Wednesday, December 8, 2010


1.1. What is Python

Python is an interpreted programming language and claims to be a very effective programming language. Python was develop from Guido van Rossum. The name Python is based on the the TV show "Monty Python’s Flying Circus". During execution the Python source code is translated into byte-code which is then interpreted by the Python interpreter. Python source code can also run on the Java Virtual Machine, in this case you are using Jython.

Key features of Python are:

  • high-level data types, as for example extensible lists

  • statement grouping is done by indentation instead of brackets

  • variable or argument declaration is not necessary

  • supports for object-orientated, procedural and / or functional programming style

1.2. Block concept in Python- Indentation

Python follows a different way then other programming languages to identify blocks on related code. A block is identified by indentation. If you have an if statement and the next line is indented then it means that this indented block belongs to the if. The Python interpreter supports either spaces or tabs, e.g. you can not mix both. The most "pythonic" way is to use 4 spaces per indentation level.

1.3. About this tutorial

This tutorial will first explain how to install Python and the Python plugins for Eclipse. It will then create a small Python project to show the usage of the plugin. Afterwards the general constructs of Python are explained.


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