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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

About Symbian UIDs

UID1-First UID (Type)

UID1-Indicates whether this is an executable file or data file.
UID value Numeric value (Hex) Meaning
KExecutableImageUid 0x1000007A Indicates this an .exe executable file
KDaynamicLibraryUid 0x10000079 Indicates this a DLL(executable) There are various types, with different extension(.dll, .app, .ldd, .pdd)
KDirectFileStoreLayoutUid 0x10000037 Indicates this is a direct file store (data, not executable)Bracketed values from header files
KPermanentFileStoreLayoutUid 0x10000050 Indicates this is a permanent file store(data, not executable)

UID2-Second UID (Subtype)
UID2-The meaning of this Uid depends on the value of UID1.
  • If UID1 was KExecutableImageUid, UID2 isn’t used.
  • If UID1 was KDaynamicLibraryUid, UID2 will be
UID value Numeric value (Hex) Meaning
KSharedLibraryUid 0x1000008D Indicates this is a static interface DLL (.dll)
KUidApp 0x100039CE Indicates an application conforming to APPARC(includes all Qikon apps, .app)
KLogicalDeviceDriverUid 0x100000AF Indicates his is a logical decive driver (.ldd)
KPhysicalDeviceDriverUid 0x100039D0 Indicates this is a physical device driver(.pdd)
  • If UID1 was KDirectFileStoreLayoutUid or KPermanentFileStoreLayoutUid, then UID2 can be:
UID value Numeric value (Hex) Meaning
KUidAppDllDoc 0x10003A12 Indicates this is a file store created by an .app to store user data (i.e, a document)
KUidAppInfoFile 0x10003A38 Indicates this is an AIF file (a type of file store)

Secure ID – UID3-Third UID (sub-subType) (Subtype)

UID3-This UID has a unique value for each individual application program and is also used as the Secure ID. For UIKON applications it is used to associate data files with programs

  • For .dll and .exe’s , it identifies the particular binary.
  • For .apps (UIKON applications) it identifies the particular application program.
  • For file stores that were created by .apps, it identifies the application program associated with this file.
  • For other file stores, It’s not typically used (but you could use it for anything you want).

The SecureID for a binary is not specified explicitly, instead it is taken to be the same as the third UID. If an application has a secureID of zero, this mean ‘undefined’ , and has several consequences, including lack of privacy for data used by application.


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